Scholarship Golf Tournament

Secure your place today or support our cause as a non-golfing sponsor.
Proceeds fund student scholarships and educational excellence.
Mark September 28 on your calendar and make a difference!

Life Through My Own Lens

A program to equip black and brown youth with the skillsets needed to build upon an interest in the film industry, video production and storytelling.  Register today for the next 12-week class session. Click image to play video promo.

Job with the 100

Proud of your office, organizational and
people skills? You could be the
Administrative Assistant we’re looking for.
Apply by sending a cover letter and
resume to

Exploring 100 Black Men of Syracuse

Share in our mission to bring communities together to create a shared responsibility of humanity.  When we work together and support one another – communities flourish.

Great to see you here! Support our Organization and

become a part of improving the quality of life in the Greater Syracuse Community through education, mentorship and service.


Become A Mentor And Give Back

Learn About Our History

President's Message From Drake Harrison

100 Black Men Of Syracuse Inc. initially began as an idea conceived by Jerome Walker and Walter Eiland following their participation in 1995’s Million Man March.

Check out 100 Black Men Calendar Events

Get To Know Us

100 Black Men of Syracuse is dedicated to utilizing resources secured through partnerships that facilitate meaningful relationships in the communities we serve.

We know the presence of positive, adult role models can be the key to helping young people succeed in education and in keeping communities strong and vital.

Our Partners & Sponsors

We are grateful to these major contributors that make a difference to improve the lives of so many in our community. 

Make A Donation

Support 100 Black Men Syracuse.

100 Black Men of Syracuse Inc. is recognized as tax-exempt by the IRS under Section 501(c)(3), so your gift is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Personal Info

Donation Total: $100.00