Plant More, Cut Less

Curabitur in nulla fringilla massa tristique imperdiet. Maecenas ornare egestas nibh, vitae convallis sem semper in.

Save Animals

Curabitur in nulla fringilla massa tristique imperdiet. Maecenas ornare egestas nibh, vitae convallis sem semper in.

Natural Environment

Curabitur in nulla fringilla massa tristique imperdiet. Maecenas ornare egestas nibh, vitae convallis sem semper in.

Save Energy

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Tree Planting

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Phasellus ultrices dolor odio, ac ultricies ante imperdiet ultricies. Quisque sodales magna et lectus fermentum.

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Read the latest news from our blog:

Charter School Community Event Coming May 11

May 4, 2020 -- 100 Black Men of Syracuse and Higher Learning Network will host a live, virtual Community Information Session for CNY STEAM Academy at 6 p.m....

Second Chance to Hear From You About Charter School

Second Chance to Hear From You About Charter School

3/28/20 — Today, we would like to give anyone who missed the chance last year to express their thoughts about our proposed new charter school another opportunity by taking a few minutes to complete our online survey. Go to

Just in Time for Thanksgiving

Just in Time for Thanksgiving

The food we love doesn’t have to be unhealthy, and we’ll prove it exactly one week before the holiday season begins with a special program. Best of all, you’re invited to our table.

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Later in 2024

Later in 2024

The 2024 Winston Gaskin Community Walk for Health & Wellness is scheduled Saturday, September 28, 2024. Details to come.

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