
We are looking for those that have what it takes to enrich the lives of a mentee.  Now is the time to share your joy and experiences that will enrich the lives of our youth.

Major components of the education programs offered by 100 Black Men of Syracuse feature our  Youth Empowerment Programs, which include:

  •  Youth Empowerment Programs, a weekly academic program offered throughout the school year for youth in the 4th through 8th grades.
  • Animate Bootcamp, a unique, six-week animation program for students enrolled in the 11th and 12th grades or pursuing a college degree.
  • Life Through My Own Lens, a 12-week program focused on building story-telling and video production skills for 9th to 12th graders.
  • STEM/Robotics classes, a dynamic, creative program that involves learning skills centered on problem-solving and team building. Youth complete projects and compete in competitions.

The 100 Black also co-hosts seminars to prepare students and their parents for the college admission and financial aid processes and supports local high school students enrolled in the 100 programs in visiting Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Thanks to the 100’s sponsorship and its partners, students from the Syracuse area have also received full academic scholarships at HBCU schools.


“Hello my name Evander Coleman, I am a Junior at GW Fowler High School. This is my first trip with the Junior Frontiers. This has been one of the best experiences of my life. This trip has made me really stop to think where I will be ten years later, and how I can better prepare myself now for the future. It gave me many possibilities for colleges. I have been truly blessed to be one of the students of my school to have an opportunity to participate on this trip.

“I became involved with this trip via the 100 Black Men of Syracuse, who encouraged me to go on this trip, otherwise I would not be here. I will take what I learned back home and share it with my peers. This has been a wonderful journey!”

Syracuse.Com Blog Post
February 21, 2008, 6:17AM

See our Scholarship Directory

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