Education Summit

100 Black Men Invites Community to Rally Behind Education at Summit

Improving academic performance through higher grades, test scores and graduation rates, while lowering drop-out rates and addressing discipline issues will top the list of priorities at 11 a.m. on Dec. 12 at the Education Summit hosted by 100 Black Men of Syracuse, Inc. at Onondaga Community College. Vincent Love, president of 100 Black Men, said the organization is inviting local educators, concerned parents of school-age children as well as community and political leaders to the three-hour event to rally the Greater Central New York community around the issue of education.


Keynote speaker at the summit is David Banks, Ph.D., a nationally recognized educator, author and president and CEO of the Eagle Academy Foundation in New York City. In January, the Eagle Academy and Banks were featured in a segment of the network program “CBS This Morning.”

“We hope to come away from the summit with a defined plan of action to provide additional academic resources to our students,” Love said. “Also, we’re looking for individuals to make a personal commitment in some way (time, finances or other support) to continue our Saturday Academy.”

View or Download Saturday Academy Booklet

The second session of the 100’s academic enrichment program for local youth in the fifth through eighth grades is scheduled to begin in January 2016. The academy is currently accepting enrollment applications, which can be downloaded on the 100 Black Men of Syracuse website.

The summit, which will be held in OCC’s Whitney Applied Technology Center, Room 101, is free and open to the public. Advance registration is strongly encouraged.

Event Details

Event:  100 Black Men of Syracuse Education Summit
Date:  Saturday, Dec. 12, 2015
Time:  11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Location:  Whitney
Applied Technology Center, Room 101

 4585 West Seneca Turnpike
 Onondaga Community College, Syracuse, NY 13215
Parking:  Free parking is available in the SRC Arena parking